NSW Guide For Locum Doctors


Here is the ultimate guide for locum doctor in NSW. Working in NSW as a locum doctor offers a huge variety of locations and regions that you can work in. It’s definitely the most populated state. And that shows that comes across in the locum options that are there to the market as well.


NSW is the most populated state in Australia, a fairly substantial population of 8.1 million as of June 2020. So if you want choice and variety as a locum look no further than NSW for your locum options. More than 5 million of these people who call NSW home are based in the Greater Sydney area. Statistics suggest at least 15% of doctors that work in the public system in NSW are actually locums, so volume wise that’s a significantly big chunk of the work force.


Well, there is plenty! Arguably the best serviced set up NSW is a great options for regular career locums. But also for intermittent candidates looking for a change of location and scenery. NSW Health is well established and has robust management systems for managing locum resourcing. And so has been a good choice for locums for many years. As the first state to bring in mandatory compliance for doctor credentialing, NSW has a lot to brag about if you’re looking for a compliant and well serviced structure to support your career and professional needs as a locum in the NSW Health system. 

As the publicly operated system in the state of New South Wales, NSW Health is funded primarily through state taxation. If you are new to Australia its worth noting that the states and territories operate their health systems differently. Whilst federal or commonwealth wide legislations apply to Australia wide practices in many cases, local governments have fairly significant power and influence. As well as funds to make change and serve the populations they govern. This is regularly observed by newcomers comparing differences between states. From a health perspective as well as many other features that signify a great place to travel, stay or more permanently reside in. So it’s well worth knowing more about how a state operates! Above all if you are thinking of a relocation, as well as developing a top line interest in local politics! 


NSW Health is highly regulated, they have list of approved medical recruitment agencies to work within the NSW Health system. This process requires external auditing, incidentally ensuring high quality standards and compliance to keep best practice standards in operation. If you want to work as a locum in NSW make sure your agency is on the list. Local health districts also operate contracts with specific locum agencies. So it’s important to check with the agency first if they have a contract to work in that region. Above all if you have your heart set on somewhere in particular.

Please check out our paperwork and compliance requirements for NSW HEALTH Blog

Alongside the NSW state baseline compliance requirements you will need to fulfill to work as a locum in NSW. The regions also operate their own district compliance requirements. But generally if you undergo the requirements you can work in any public hospital in that district.


The New South Wales signature geography is predominately along the beautiful coastline, hugging the south eastern section of the Australian continent.

NSW is also known for beautiful national parkland, the Blue Mountains and the Hunter Valley winery region. The climate is warm to sub- tropical with hot summers and mild winters. Coastal fronts keep locations cooler towards the sea. Whilst inland temperatures can soar in the summer months, unfortunately making bushfires and droughts commonplace.

Health services in NSW are divided into private and public services, as well as split by metropolitan and rural/regional areas. It will be no surprise that Sydney as the state capital and metropolitan centre has five separate health districts, named by geography.

NSW Health is split into the state-wide health services NSW Ambulance, Pathology and Health protection and then into 15 local health districts and 3 specialty networks:

NSW Local Health districts Metro Regional & rural NSW Specialty networks
Central Coast Far West Sydney Children’s Hospital Network
Illawarra Shoalhaven Hunter New England Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network
Nepean Blue Mountains Mid North Coast St Vincent’s Health Network
Northern Sydney Murrumbidgee
South Eastern Sydney Northern NSW
South Western Sydney Southern NSW
Sydney Western NSW
Western Sydney


Regarding personal administration, as with anywhere operating as a locum can require a little extra diligence in the administration and accounting department. So be sure to have your compliance requirements in check and ready to go before you start. This will help avoid any headaches and to ensure speedy pay into your nominated bank, as expected! NSW Health also supply you with a payslip so this can be really useful when managing your own accounting and doing your tax returns!!

Also be sure to check your employer indemnity insurance is valid before starting a locum role. Verify that the scope of work is covered, especially in the more rural locations. Hospital posts will usually have you covered under their state government (employer indemnified) and another perk of NSW Health payroll and compliance. Fulfilling and verifying this practice will stand you in good stead for ticking the compliance checklist. 


As geography dictates in such a big country, the more rural or remote the areas attract higher pay rewards. Due to the higher need and inconvenience being away from cities, but the balance for your own personal needs is weighted by less support provided on the ground. 

Comparatively pay is good for locum doctor in NSW. It’s another reason why it’s such a favourable place to locum! Pay increases in regions where the need is higher, or where there’s a shortage of resource. For example in emergency medicine if you have a senior skillset and capabilities to run and oversee a service, this is in high demand so you can be prepared to be a high value commodity! Generally speaking, closer to the metro hubs resource is a little more readily available to fill positions. So looking further afield can offer more opportunity for roles and pay accordingly if that is high on your list of priorities. 

NSW Health pays all locums working in the state in public services, and getting paid happens usually via a fortnightly cycle. The process is regular and runs efficiently. So as long as your paperwork is up to date and in order, getting physically paid should not be a concern. Paperwork in the form of timesheets are however required. And your agency will help process that with NSW Health. But also make sure all the details are on file to schedule payments with the payroll department direct into your chosen bank account via PAYE. 


VMoney is operated to a certain extent. In some districts more readily than others, so check before you start if you have particular needs in this area. Usually most methods can be catered to for the right person in a role that is mutually beneficial for both parties. But it may take a little extra set up and paperwork to get you started.


Comparing the details on paper, one of the main benefits of a locum role in NSW and with NSW Health is the pay rates are exclusive of superannuation. That means that your super contributions paid on top of the quoted pay rates. So add 10% on top of your rate from 2021 (increase 0.5% from previous years) and this will be paid by NSW Health into your nominated superannuation fund! Great perk! And the federal government is committed to increasing the percentage of compulsory super payments to offset future retirement headaches for the ageing population and longer life span of future generations. So this positive trend will be continuing for some time yet.


The shifts that Blugibbon can access for you that operate throughout New South Wales are very high volume and tend to be formulaic and specific. For example, Hunter New England area health service will provide exact shifts and rotas. That will be nights or days and so forth, so you know exactly what to expect.

Some other states may request a block of time. For example two weeks to cover annual leave, but may not know the roster details at the time of request. You may not know until a week before starting. Which can be a juggle with logistics and travel, as well as setting healthy shift work sleep patterns.

You can generally avoid this with NSW postings as we tend to know a little better what to anticipate and expect. As an NSW Health agency on the approved provider list, Blugibbon can receive up to 250 different requests for doctor locum in New South Wales every day. So the benefit of a role within NSW Health as a locum is plenty of choice for locations and options, shifts and variety, good pay and benefits and a fairly good idea of what its going to be like. As an agency that has plenty of shifts and great relationships with NSW Health. If you want to locum in NSW Blugibbon is the best choice to help you get the role that suits you. 

With a regular expectation and rota, it is easy to make the most of your locum post in NSW. And enjoy time off to enjoy a break or much deserved holiday in your chosen location.

For some great idea and suggestions of what to do and where to visit whilst in NSW, check out our spin on locum locations. Covering far and wide the best spots to locum in NSW and more specifics on towns and cities in NSW.

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