Here is a debrief of their fascinating conversation:
Is it worth finishing training and obtaining your FACEM, or is working as a senior registrar locum equally rewarding?
Finish your training and get your letters. If you want to continue working in medicine, even if not in ED, make sure you get your specialist qualifications before any dramatic career moves. It is a solid foundation on which to base your working life on and provides stability.
Okay, great, so once I get there, is there any advice you can give me on the next steps?
Once a FACEM, make a sustainable plan that satisfies your needs. If it’s a full-time staff specialist, that’s fantastic. If that doesn’t appeal, design a portfolio that will nourish you intellectually and financially. Positions include visiting medical officer (VMO); telehealth, locuming; academia; teaching; consulting; working for the government, health development projects, and
pro bono
work, amongst others.
I've been thinking a lot about Locumming for multiple reasons, mainly because there are loads of opportunities for additional experience. Do you have any advice for me on Locumming in Australia?
If you are thinking of locuming for a significant amount of time, try different places for a couple of weeks and then consider committing to a regular stint in the areas you enjoyed. Bring the professionalism, commitment, and respect you would go to any permanent role; locuming or impermanence is not a justification to bring your lesser self to work!
Often places that employ locums need quality and reliable practitioners and would be thrilled to receive you as such.
At the same time, many brilliant doctors have chosen to work in remote or hard-to-resource locations. You may even be invited to join them more permanently through your locum role.
How do I maintain accreditation and continuing professional development needs for the college while working as a locum across Australia?
Whatever set-up you choose, have practice excellence as your core focus. Design your portfolio to have ample opportunities to fulfil College CPD requirements. The College website has a tremendous amount of information regarding CPD requirements and guidance on achieving them under “CPD Program Resources”.
It is possible to do so in a part-time clinical role; you may have to be more strategic about it than if you were working a 1.0 FTE equivalent. The “Professional Development Plan Guide” is beneficial, as is the searchable “Database of Approved External CPD Activities” if you are looking for courses or activities that will update and up-skill you whilst earning CPD hours.
Thanks so much for your time and for sharing your expertise!
If you are interested in learning more about ACEM career pathways and getting the best out of your Locum Career, get in touch with the Blugibbon team via the form below today:
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