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April 18, 2022


Our Locum Doctor in Launceston Cindy wrote for us an article about her experience in Tasmania.
In February this year, I had the good fortune to explore a small part of Tasmania whilst doing some work in Launceston. As usual, Blugibbon was flexible and helpful in the planning stages. Essentially allowing me to turn my locum work into a little holiday.


I started the trip by flying into Hobart, where I was subjected to the most stringent biosecurity measures I have ever seen. (Yes, I have been to New Zealand) Thanks, COVID.
A whirlwind of a weekend followed; fresh seafood, exceptional wine and a hard slog up Mount Wellington where I was rewarded with cloud(!). I rounded it all off with the compulsory trip to Mona, which far exceeded expectations, ending the afternoon with some live music on the Mona lawn. My pro tip would be to take the posh pit on the ferry over to Mona. You are welcomed with a glass of bubbles on the way to the museum, then farewelled with a glass of red on the way home, perfection!
I found this car in Mona, I think it is trying to say something about gluttony and excess. Sadly the message got blurred after the second posh pit wine.

I then drove myself to Launceston to start the work part of the mini-break. It is an easy two-hour drive from Hobart. With some beautiful country towns and National Park walks on the way to keep one entertained. 
I was put up in an Airbnb which certainly had a much nicer feel than the sterility of a motel plus it was an easy two-kilometre walk to work.


Launceston General Hospital is a busy institution, fielding roughly 160 presentations per day.
The population generally has a low socioeconomic status, making for complex patients who often present late in their illness. They are also the referral hospital for Derby. And the world-famous mountain biking spot that people go to to obtain interesting fractures.
The staffing levels reflect the case complexity and feel positively luxurious compared to some other institutions. The day and evening shifts each had two FACEMs, two to three registrars and four to five residents/interns.

They also have a therapy dog, Gilbert, who is on hand to give emotional support to staff and patients (mainly staff). Gilbert is a beautiful black lab who sadly failed as a guide dog as he kept dislocating his patella, poor pup!

Gilbert is on hand to give you a cuddle when it all becomes somewhat frustrating. The local staff was adept at managing the access block, upbeat and welcoming.
There is a growing group of permanent FACEMS who are all invested in making a change, so watch this space.


The hospital is located adjacent to one of the busy streets in town and boasts multiple restaurants and bars. And most importantly, coffee shops. The ED tearoom door overlooks a coffee shop across the street – I was told this is no coincidence!
My accommodation was conveniently located halfway between the hospital and the main attraction of Launceston, Cataract Gorge. I spent my mornings before work here, lounging, bushwalking and enjoying refreshing swims.

I rounded the trip off with a little day trip from Launceston. Which provides a great little springboard for gourmet food and wine adventures.
I visited the  Bridestowe Lavender Estate , the coastal town of Bridport, checked out Derby. And stopped at every winery in between. It’s usually at this point in the trip I ponder why I haven’t quite made the switch to the permanent locum job yet……

Other fun s
tuff happening in Launceston…

Festivale, Feb Launceston BeerFest – 31st December 2021 ( ),  Harvest Market Hiking and Bushwalking in Tasmania | Tasmania Travel Guide White Water Rafting in Tasmania | Discover Tasmania Exhilarating full-day wilderness rafting experiences in the Tasmanian wilderness | King River Rafting Tasmania
Like Cindy, if you are thinking to switch to a locum doctor job full time, just get in touch on 02 8960 6445 or  and visit our blog for more  locum doctor locations .

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