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November 26, 2024

Understanding 482 Visa Dependent Child School Fees in Australia

The Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa, commonly known as the 482 visa, is a temporary work visa that allows Australian employers to sponsor skilled overseas workers to fill positions where there is a labour shortage.

This visa is crucial in addressing skill gaps in various industries across Australia. One significant aspect for families relocating under this visa is the impact on school fees for their dependent children. Understanding these fees is essential for effective financial planning.

Below, you’ll learn everything you need to know about 482 visa dependent child school fees.

Impact of 482 Visa on Dependent Child School Fees

For families on a 482 visa, public school fees for dependent children can vary significantly depending on the state or territory. These fees are implemented to support the additional resources required to educate international students. Below, we provide a comprehensive overview of the school fees for 482 visa holders across different regions in Australia for state government schools.

School Fees for 482 Visa Holders New South Wales (Annual)

StateTerritory Education Level Annual Tuition Fee (AUD)
NSW Primary School (KG-6) 5,600 – 6,200
NSW Junior High School (7-10) 5,600 – 6,200
NSW Senior High School (11-12) 6,400 – 7,400

School Fees for 482 Visa Holders Western Australia (Annual)

StateTerritory Education Level Annual Tuition Fee (AUD)
WA Pre-primary to Year 12 4,000

Fee Waivers and Reductions

Families experiencing financial hardship can apply for a fee waiver, but the application must be made within the year the fee is incurred. There are two types of financial hardship applications:

  1. Income-Based Waiver: Families with a combined gross income of AUD 75,000 or less per year can apply for a fee waiver. This waiver is not automatic and must be reapplied for each year with supporting evidence.
  2. Unforeseen Financial Hardship: Families facing unexpected financial difficulties, such as illness, unemployment, changes in employment conditions, family breakdown, or death, can apply for a fee waiver within six months of the event. Each application is assessed on a case-by-case basis and requires supporting documentation.

School Fees for 482 Visa Holders Victoria (Annual)

Dependent children of 482 visa holders are not required to pay tuition fees at government schools in Victoria. It’s important to note that other fees specific to the school may need to be paid. 

School Fees for 482 Visa Holders Queensland (Annual)

Fee Type Year Level 2024 2025 2026*
Application fee All year levels $295 (incl. GST) $295 (incl. GST) $295 (incl. GST)
Tuition State Kindergarten $153 (per week) $153 (per week) $153 (per week)
Tuition Prep - Year 6 $304 (per week) $304 (per week) $304 (per week)
Tuition Years 7 - 9 $311 (per week) $311 (per week) $311 (per week)
Tuition Year 10 $329 (per week) $329 (per week) $329 (per week)
Tuition Year 11 $372 (per week) $372 (per week) $372 (per week)
Tuition Year 12 $383 (per week) $383 (per week) $383 (per week)
Change of school fee All year levels $295 (incl. GST) $295 (incl. GST) $295 (incl. GST)

School Fees for 482 Visa Holders South Australia (Annual)

State/Territory Education Level Annual Tuition Fee (AUD) Notes
South Australia Primary School Students 6600 Fees apply to the eldest child; 10% discount for siblings. Only the three youngest children are charged for families with four or more children.
South Australia High School Students 7800

You don’t have to pay the student fee for your children if:

  • you're enrolling your children at certain schools in country areas of South Australia – see the country schools exemption list (PDF 186 KB) to find out if this applies to you and contact the school directly
  • you want to enrol your children in a non-government (private) school – you must contact the school directly to find out about their fees
  • you're enrolling your children in preschool (also sometimes called kindergarten) – follow the normal process to register to enrol in preschool
  • your family’s total income is $74,000 or less per year (before tax) – you'll still need to complete your registration to enrol your children at a school.

Your fee will be reduced if your combined income (before tax) per year is less than:

  • $100,000 if enrolling 1 child at a government school
  • $119,000 if enrolling 2 children at a government school
  • $138,000 if enrolling 3 or more children at a government school.

School Fees for 482 Visa Holders Northern Territory (Annual)

No fees are applicable to dependents of 482 visa holders in the Northern Territory.

School Fees for 482 Visa Holders ACT (Annual)

State/Territory Education Level Annual Tuition Fee (AUD)
ACT Preschool 4,200
ACT Years K-6 11,100
ACT Years 7-10 14,500
ACT Years 11-12 16,200

The Education Directorate in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) welcomes dependents of temporary residents to enrol in public schools from Preschool through to Year 12. However, Preschool enrolment is not mandatory and is subject to availability.

Fee Exemption

Dependents of 482 visa holders whose occupation is listed on the Medium and Long Term Strategic Skills List or the Regional Occupations List may qualify for a fee exemption. To be eligible, families must provide a copy of the employment contract in the ACT, including start and end dates, ensuring the contract aligns with the approved occupation stated in the visa grant notification.

School Fees for 482 Visa Holders Tasmania (Annual)

State/Territory Education Level Annual Tuition Fee (AUD) Notes
Tasmania All Levels (Prep to Year 12) No tuition fees School levy of AUD 300 – 750 per year. Financial assistance available through STAS.

The Temporary Resident Program (TRP) facilitates the enrolment of school-aged children on temporary visas at any time during the academic year. Children must start school at the age of five by 1 January.

School Levels and Terms

The school year in Tasmania is divided into four terms and includes the following year groups:

  • Primary School: Kindergarten to Year 6
  • Secondary (High) School: Years 7-10
  • Senior Secondary: Years 11-12

Tuition Fees and School Levies

Dependents of 482 visa holders are exempt from paying tuition fees at Tasmanian Government Schools. However, they are required to pay a school levy, which ranges from approximately AUD 300 to AUD 750 per year. This levy is charged directly by the school.

Financial Assistance

Families with low incomes who meet the eligibility criteria for the Student Assistance Scheme (STAS) will not be required to pay school levies. Grandparents raising grandchildren may also qualify for STAS. For those who do not meet STAS criteria but face financial hardship, it is advisable to discuss payment arrangements and other forms of financial assistance with the school. 

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